"Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas...?...
Serahkan pada saya..., Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATISSSS...!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2"

08 April, 2010

t=v1+v2, Trik meningkatkan traffic dengan cepat dan alami


Rekan netter sekalian,

Ada sebuah filosofi yang mengatakan "Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)" , akan kita buktikan bersama....apakah konsep kejujuran ini bisa kita olah menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang lebih hebat dari konsep rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..?...

Saya yakin bisa asal konsep berikut ini di jalankan dengan benar...,bila ini di terapkan pada web atau blog anda sesuai ketentuan maka:

- Web anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.

- Web anda akan kebanjiran backlink secara luarbiasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc2 untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu ,maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk mnggabungkan potensi web saya dan web anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.

Jika Einstein menggunakan atom plutonium dan uranium untuk membuat bom nuklir, maka kita menggunakan Kejujuran dan ketepatan untuk membuat bom traffic dan popularity ini.

Di bawah ini adalah langkah-langkah yang perlu anda lakukan.
Jadi, mohon dibaca dengan seksama lalu terapkan dengan benar....!!

1. Buat posting artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste posting ini dan juga diberi berjudul : t=v1+v2 ,Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami

2. Selanjutnya Copy atau buat KALIMAT SAKTI yang ada di bawah nomor 4 ini lalu pasang di web anda pada bagian yang paling mudah dilihat pengunjung, misalnya di bagian atas sidebar:

3. Pindahkan atau ganti link atau alamat url posting saya (disini-1) menggantikan alamat url rekan saya (disini-2).
-untuk mengetahui alamat url posting saya dan posting yang anda buat adalah bisa dengan meng-klik judul/title posting yang kita buat ini.

4. Lalu isi alamat url posting anda pada disini-1 tadi. Jadi anda melakukan publish (terbitkan) 2 kali, setelah posting ini selesai anda buat lalu di terbitkan, dan lalu anda klik pada title (judul) posting untuk mengambbil/meng-copy alamat url posting anda dari address bar browser anda, lalu anda edit lagi posting tadi dan masukan pada link disini-1 itu.

Berikut tulisan "KALIMAT SAKTI" yang perlu anda pasang di bagian web anda (setelah di ganti link url-nya sesuai ketentuan di atas)

"Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas...?...
Serahkan pada saya..., Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATISSSS...!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2"

-Jadi setelah KALIMAT SAKTI ini di letakan di web anda maka: jika pengunjung meg-klik link disini-1 akan menuju link posting anda, dan jika meng-klik disini-2 akan menuju link posting saya...dan seterusnya kan terus terjadi mata rantai yang tak terputus seperti itu...

-Di bawah ini ada 2 link :link anda (link web saya sekarang) dan link saya (link web rekan saya sekarang) . Maka ganti (alamatnya) "link anda" dengan "link url web anda" dan "link saya dengan link url web saya" (link rekan saya di hapus).

link anda : http://zonarejekiaira.blogspot.com/2009/03/trik-meningkatkan-traffic-dengan-cepat.html

link saya : http://www.astawama.blogspot.com/2009/01/trik-meningkatkan-traffic-dengan-cepat.html

5. Selesai, siapkan counter tracker dan pengecek link misalnya sitemeter dan technorati untuk melihat hasil banjir traffic dan linkback web anda.

Apa itu t=v1+t2...?
t : Jumlah traffic yang akan di peroleh web anda dalam suatu hari
v1 : Jumlah pengunjung web anda dalam suatu hari
v2: Jumlah pengunjung yang dimiliki v1 (pengunjung dari pengunjung web anda) dalam suatu hari.

Misalnya, web saya ini atau web anda dalam sehari memiliki rata-rata pengunjung 50 orang.., dan semuanya menerapkan konsep kita ini (KALIMAT SAKTI) dengan benar, dan dari 50 orang itu masing-masing memiliki 50 orang pula pengunjung dari blog-nya , maka web kita akan berpeluang di kunjungi 50 ditambah 50 x 50 orang pada hari itu = 2550 orang , dan akan berpeluang terus meningkat pula hari demi hari ,karena setiap hari selalu ada pengunjung baru di dunia internet, setiap hari juga ada blogger atau web baru di dunia internet...BUKTIKAN!!

Misalnya, web kita memiliki pengunjung 50 orang dalam suatu hari, dan semuannya menerapkan konsep ini , maka dalam hari itu web anda akan mendapatkan 100 linkback ke web anda, yaitu sebuah link pada KALIMAT SAKTI dan sebuah link pada link saya di kalikan 50. dan akan berpeluang meningkat terus hari demi hari....

Kenapa perlu di buat link link anda dan link saya pada posting...?
...hal ini untuk menjaga keabadian link kita, karena seperti kita tau link pada posting lebih kecil kemungkinannya terhapus....

Bisakah kita berbuat tidak fair atau tidak jujur menyabotase konsep ini, misalnya "menghilangkan semua link asal" lalu di isi dengan web/blog kita sendiri...? ....Bisa, dan konsep ini tidak akan menjadi maksimal untuk membuktikan Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik.....Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu...

Semoga bermanfaat



Source: http://astawama.blogspot.com/

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23 March, 2010

10 Tips For Getting Your Car Ready For Warm Weather Driving

The first warm weekend of the season traditionally triggers a symphony of cleaning products, vacuums and garden hoses. But while you might be in a hurry to put a shine on your vehicle, it's equally important to make sure it's ready for the warm weather on the inside as well as the outside.

"The most critical areas to check after the harsh winter months are engine fluids, radiator hoses, belts, tires and brakes," says Pat Goss, host of PBS' "MotorWeek" and Washington Post automotive columnist. "Adequately preparing these key areas of the car before the weather warms up will not only keep you safe while driving, they'll help prevent costly repairs."

After battling months of snow, sleet and icy roads, your vehicle is undoubtedly in need of some serious care. To make your spring trouble-free, follow this 10-point checklist for safety, dependability and fuel economy.

1. Remove your winter tires and rotate all-season radials-If you have winter tires, it's time to store them away.
If you don't have winter tires, it's equally important to have all-season tires rotated or switched out for new ones.

2. Brake check-After a blistering winter, be sure to check your brakes. Warning signs include excessive grinding, squealing, screeching or chatter.

3. Wiper blades check-Wipers work hard over the winter months, wiping away dirt and debris on your windshield. Replace them in the spring before a shower makes it difficult to see.

4. Clean the underbody-In addition to washing the exterior, be sure to spray the underbody of your vehicle and underneath the rear and front bumpers to rinse away any salt build-up, which can lead to erosion and rusting. Use a high-pressure sprayer or garden hose for best results.

5. Apply a protectant-Any vinyl surface, such as the seats and the steering wheel, is susceptible to cracking, sun damage, and fading-so be sure to apply a protectant at the beginning of the season and touch-up regularly.

6. Change your oil-Give some thought to the kind of motor oil you have in your engine. Fully synthetic oils, such as Mobil 1, are specifically designed to protect your engine in hot weather, while optimizing your engine's efficiency and reducing oil consumption. (For more information about Mobil 1, go to www.mobiloil.com.)

7. Check all fluids-In the winter months, fluids are easily depleted as your engine works harder in the colder weather. Make sure to check, top off or replace all fluids, including brake, transmission, coolant, power steering and windshield washer fluid.

8. Pressure test-Assess the pressure of the cooling system, and examine belts and hoses for wear or deterioration.

9. Interior clean-up-Vacuum and be sure to throw away any unwanted garbage that has hibernated under your seats over the winter. Now is also the time to store your winter car mats in the garage.

10. Wash your car-All vehicles regardless of the finish (clear coat, acrylic, enamel, etc.) require regular washing throughout the year. To preserve your car's shine and protect the surface, wax your vehicle once it has dried completely.

"The warm weather is here-so be sure to follow these simple tips to ensure vehicle dependability in the warm months ahead," says Goss. "By taking care of your vehicle, it will more likely take care of you. And it will do it for a lot less money."

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10 things every car buyer must know

Buying a car needs not just investment but deep thought. The market is overflowing with choices and temptations. Buyers need to think, what kind of car and can I afford it?

Think, what do I need transportation for right now and what will I need two years from now? Do I want a car as a status symbol or as something that makes my life easier? Will the car be a commuter vehicle, or to transport children? Would a van with cargo space and high clearance be more suitable for a growing family? Should the car be a two-wheel or four-wheel drive? What kind of terrain will I be driving in most of the time? Go through auto magazines as well as consumer reports to get a clear picture of the world of cars.

1. Work on your finances and determine what you need to spend each month on transportation. A car should not cost more than 10% of your net pay per month. If it is more, then consider leasing a car instead of buying one.

2. Before you finalize anything, find out what the target price is. Four figure discounts are available with almost every make.

3. Never sign an arbitration clause or blank financial forms. Try and get finance from a separate source, a bank or financial institution.

4. Haggling will get you a good deal apart from shopping around for finance. The market is competitive be sure to check dealer fiancé, high street, internet lenders, as well as other options.

5. Try and ensure a large down payment thereby reducing the loan to be paid. Work out your finances and choice of car such that the term of loan is for the shortest period.

6. Find out what buying incentives are on offer. These vary from audio systems to cash back offers, and 0% financing. Ask what extras and add ons will cost in addition to the price of the car.

7. Be sure to evaluate your old car independently if you are considering a trade in. Pay attention to ‘cost to change’, the difference between what the new car costs and what the old one is worth.

8. Find out about warranties, taxes, and insurance. These can eat into your budget.

9. Vet the contract well. Read the fine print. Make sure that paying off the loan before time will not carry any penalty.

10. Check out at least 3-4 dealers to gauge what the best offer is.

Test drive the vehicle before you finalize the deal and go through the car booklet page by page to understand all that the manufacturer needs to tell you. Be clear what is under warranty and what is not.

Never choose vehicle based on a picture or dream. It is not how you look in the car that’s important but how well the car will fulfill your needs. Be practical and sensible; do not buy a model because the dealership is offering a holiday for two or a low interest scheme. Identify a vehicle that suits your needs before subjecting yourself to an onslaught of marketing.

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22 March, 2010

10 Good Reasons for taking Driving Lessons. A guide for the Irish Learner Driver.

In a driving context, most of the decisions that you take and the techniques that you employ, will have both an economic and a safety impact. The decision to take driving lessons is really a simple one but one that will have far reaching consequences well into the future. Most, if not all, poor or dangerous habits in today’s drivers stem from the lack of professional tuition at the outset. In this second in a series of articles designed to assist today’s learner drivers we will have a look at the benefits in taking Professional Tuition.
1. Taking lessons will greatly improve your chances of staying safe and accident free since providing you retain what you have been taught, you will be probably better than many motorists who have been driving for considerably longer. Lack of sufficient training, or even no training at all which is common in Ireland, will inevitably lead to accidents at a very early stage in the driving career. Accidents are to be avoided at all costs. After all isn’t the safety of the driver, the passengers and other road users the paramount priority?

2. A course of lessons at the start of your driving career and not one month from your Driving Test, will give you the confidence you need to continue the learning process, and will form the foundation for safe motoring.
3. Taking a course of lessons will give you the chance to be accepted by an insurance company for your first Insurance policy. In fact most companies will insist on a minimum number of lessons completed by a recognised school, before a son or daughter will be admitted onto a Parent’s policy.
4. On a very topical note, the Irish Insurer Hibernian, in conjunction with the Institute of Advanced Motorists, has extended its successful Ignition scheme to provisional license holders since January 2005.Learner drivers that pass the one hour driving assessment, will be offered a 21% reduction on their insurance. This is a substantial reduction for any new driver, particularly young males under 25 years of age, and well worth achieving. Just being in the possession of a provisional license will not suffice to pass this test. A course of lessons will be needed in order to achieve the required standard and the test should not be booked until quite a high level of both competence and confidence has been reached.
5. Passing the Department of Transport Driving Test, sooner rather than later, will result in further reductions in already high Insurance costs. Lessons taken just before the Driving Test will not cut it in today’s Test environment; there is just too much to learn if one wants to be successful first time out.
6. The long waiting list for the Irish Driving Test is a great inconvenience for many learner Drivers and also their Driving Instructors. The long wait is accentuated by the huge numbers of learners who do not prepare adequately with a professional school and then are forced to re sit their Test sometimes several times over. Career aspirations can easily be affected if the journey to a full License is overly prolonged.
7. Obtaining a full driving license promptly will speed up the reduction in your insurance premiums via your annual no claims bonus, providing of course you are not involved in any accidents.
8. As a fully licensed Driver you will have much greater opportunity to shop around for a competitive insurance quote, since there are only a very few companies who will insure provisional license holders and then only at a huge premium.
9. As an addition to item number 4 as a fully licensed Driver, you may apply for the more advanced Hibernian Ignition course, providing you are in your first five years of driving .This is a full day course, the cost of which can be recouped, if you pass the practical driving assessment at the end of the day. The reduction in insurance premium for the successful candidate can be upwards of 30%, so again very worthwhile .Drivers in this category should take a refresher course with a driving school to ensure that any bad habits or techniques are eradicated. Once again it is worth pointing out that the length of your driving experience is not a guarantee of success unless you started on the right foot to begin with!
10. If, in the early days of your working life you are unlucky enough to find yourself jobless through either, takeovers, cutbacks or closures, a full Driving License will enable you to pick up an interim job very quickly while you regroup and examine your future options. There is a shortage of drivers to fill current vacancies in Europe, particularly in the commercial sector so there are great opportunities for young qualified drivers who have been well trained.

Both career and promotional opportunities abound for the fully licensed driver in any organisation. Faced with two candidates of similar qualifications, an employer will naturally favour the person with the full license pretty much every time.

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8 Signs That Your Car Has Pothole Damage

A pothole can be your car's worst enemy. These holes or pits on a road's surface can seriously damage a vehicle's ride-control system.

If you do drive over a pothole, the Car Care Council recommends that you have your car's shocks or struts checked to make sure they aren't damaged.

Shocks and struts control how vehicles ride and handle. According to the Car Care Council, the shock absorbers, or struts as they are referred to on late-model vehicles, act as a cushion to dampen the bouncing action of a car's springs.
The springs absorb the road bumps; without them, the vehicle would continually bounce and bound down the road, making driving extremely difficult.

Shocks and struts also control spring and suspension movement to keep the tires in contact with the road. This affects steering, stability and braking. A broken shock or strut could alter the steering and handling of a vehicle and create driving dangers.

It's important to be aware of the warning signs that your vehicle's shocks or struts may need to be replaced.

* The vehicle rolls or sways on turns.

* The vehicle's front-end dives when braking.

* The vehicle's rear end squats when accelerating.

* The vehicle bounces or slides sideways on a winding, rough road.

* The vehicle "bottoms out" or thumps on bumps.

* The vehicle sits lower in the front or rear.

* The vehicle is leaking or has signs of physical damage, such as rusting or dents.

* There's a loss of directional control during sudden stops of the vehicle.

Many components affect a vehicle's handling. Having your car inspected, if you experience any of the above signs, is good preventive maintenance and can help its parts wear less and last longer.

"If you think you may have a worn out or broken shock or strut, don't wait," said Rich White, executive director of the Car Care Council. "Whether you replace it yourself or take your car to a professional service technician, this situation should be taken care of right away."

The Car Care Council is the source of information for the "Be Car Care Aware" campaign, educating consumers about the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair.

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