"Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas...?...
Serahkan pada saya..., Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATISSSS...!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2"

08 April, 2010

t=v1+v2, Trik meningkatkan traffic dengan cepat dan alami


Rekan netter sekalian,

Ada sebuah filosofi yang mengatakan "Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)" , akan kita buktikan bersama....apakah konsep kejujuran ini bisa kita olah menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang lebih hebat dari konsep rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..?...

Saya yakin bisa asal konsep berikut ini di jalankan dengan benar...,bila ini di terapkan pada web atau blog anda sesuai ketentuan maka:

- Web anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.

- Web anda akan kebanjiran backlink secara luarbiasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc2 untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu ,maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk mnggabungkan potensi web saya dan web anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.

Jika Einstein menggunakan atom plutonium dan uranium untuk membuat bom nuklir, maka kita menggunakan Kejujuran dan ketepatan untuk membuat bom traffic dan popularity ini.

Di bawah ini adalah langkah-langkah yang perlu anda lakukan.
Jadi, mohon dibaca dengan seksama lalu terapkan dengan benar....!!

1. Buat posting artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste posting ini dan juga diberi berjudul : t=v1+v2 ,Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami

2. Selanjutnya Copy atau buat KALIMAT SAKTI yang ada di bawah nomor 4 ini lalu pasang di web anda pada bagian yang paling mudah dilihat pengunjung, misalnya di bagian atas sidebar:

3. Pindahkan atau ganti link atau alamat url posting saya (disini-1) menggantikan alamat url rekan saya (disini-2).
-untuk mengetahui alamat url posting saya dan posting yang anda buat adalah bisa dengan meng-klik judul/title posting yang kita buat ini.

4. Lalu isi alamat url posting anda pada disini-1 tadi. Jadi anda melakukan publish (terbitkan) 2 kali, setelah posting ini selesai anda buat lalu di terbitkan, dan lalu anda klik pada title (judul) posting untuk mengambbil/meng-copy alamat url posting anda dari address bar browser anda, lalu anda edit lagi posting tadi dan masukan pada link disini-1 itu.

Berikut tulisan "KALIMAT SAKTI" yang perlu anda pasang di bagian web anda (setelah di ganti link url-nya sesuai ketentuan di atas)

"Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas...?...
Serahkan pada saya..., Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATISSSS...!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2"

-Jadi setelah KALIMAT SAKTI ini di letakan di web anda maka: jika pengunjung meg-klik link disini-1 akan menuju link posting anda, dan jika meng-klik disini-2 akan menuju link posting saya...dan seterusnya kan terus terjadi mata rantai yang tak terputus seperti itu...

-Di bawah ini ada 2 link :link anda (link web saya sekarang) dan link saya (link web rekan saya sekarang) . Maka ganti (alamatnya) "link anda" dengan "link url web anda" dan "link saya dengan link url web saya" (link rekan saya di hapus).

link anda : http://zonarejekiaira.blogspot.com/2009/03/trik-meningkatkan-traffic-dengan-cepat.html

link saya : http://www.astawama.blogspot.com/2009/01/trik-meningkatkan-traffic-dengan-cepat.html

5. Selesai, siapkan counter tracker dan pengecek link misalnya sitemeter dan technorati untuk melihat hasil banjir traffic dan linkback web anda.

Apa itu t=v1+t2...?
t : Jumlah traffic yang akan di peroleh web anda dalam suatu hari
v1 : Jumlah pengunjung web anda dalam suatu hari
v2: Jumlah pengunjung yang dimiliki v1 (pengunjung dari pengunjung web anda) dalam suatu hari.

Misalnya, web saya ini atau web anda dalam sehari memiliki rata-rata pengunjung 50 orang.., dan semuanya menerapkan konsep kita ini (KALIMAT SAKTI) dengan benar, dan dari 50 orang itu masing-masing memiliki 50 orang pula pengunjung dari blog-nya , maka web kita akan berpeluang di kunjungi 50 ditambah 50 x 50 orang pada hari itu = 2550 orang , dan akan berpeluang terus meningkat pula hari demi hari ,karena setiap hari selalu ada pengunjung baru di dunia internet, setiap hari juga ada blogger atau web baru di dunia internet...BUKTIKAN!!

Misalnya, web kita memiliki pengunjung 50 orang dalam suatu hari, dan semuannya menerapkan konsep ini , maka dalam hari itu web anda akan mendapatkan 100 linkback ke web anda, yaitu sebuah link pada KALIMAT SAKTI dan sebuah link pada link saya di kalikan 50. dan akan berpeluang meningkat terus hari demi hari....

Kenapa perlu di buat link link anda dan link saya pada posting...?
...hal ini untuk menjaga keabadian link kita, karena seperti kita tau link pada posting lebih kecil kemungkinannya terhapus....

Bisakah kita berbuat tidak fair atau tidak jujur menyabotase konsep ini, misalnya "menghilangkan semua link asal" lalu di isi dengan web/blog kita sendiri...? ....Bisa, dan konsep ini tidak akan menjadi maksimal untuk membuktikan Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik.....Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu...

Semoga bermanfaat



Source: http://astawama.blogspot.com/

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23 March, 2010

10 Tips For Getting Your Car Ready For Warm Weather Driving

The first warm weekend of the season traditionally triggers a symphony of cleaning products, vacuums and garden hoses. But while you might be in a hurry to put a shine on your vehicle, it's equally important to make sure it's ready for the warm weather on the inside as well as the outside.

"The most critical areas to check after the harsh winter months are engine fluids, radiator hoses, belts, tires and brakes," says Pat Goss, host of PBS' "MotorWeek" and Washington Post automotive columnist. "Adequately preparing these key areas of the car before the weather warms up will not only keep you safe while driving, they'll help prevent costly repairs."

After battling months of snow, sleet and icy roads, your vehicle is undoubtedly in need of some serious care. To make your spring trouble-free, follow this 10-point checklist for safety, dependability and fuel economy.

1. Remove your winter tires and rotate all-season radials-If you have winter tires, it's time to store them away.
If you don't have winter tires, it's equally important to have all-season tires rotated or switched out for new ones.

2. Brake check-After a blistering winter, be sure to check your brakes. Warning signs include excessive grinding, squealing, screeching or chatter.

3. Wiper blades check-Wipers work hard over the winter months, wiping away dirt and debris on your windshield. Replace them in the spring before a shower makes it difficult to see.

4. Clean the underbody-In addition to washing the exterior, be sure to spray the underbody of your vehicle and underneath the rear and front bumpers to rinse away any salt build-up, which can lead to erosion and rusting. Use a high-pressure sprayer or garden hose for best results.

5. Apply a protectant-Any vinyl surface, such as the seats and the steering wheel, is susceptible to cracking, sun damage, and fading-so be sure to apply a protectant at the beginning of the season and touch-up regularly.

6. Change your oil-Give some thought to the kind of motor oil you have in your engine. Fully synthetic oils, such as Mobil 1, are specifically designed to protect your engine in hot weather, while optimizing your engine's efficiency and reducing oil consumption. (For more information about Mobil 1, go to www.mobiloil.com.)

7. Check all fluids-In the winter months, fluids are easily depleted as your engine works harder in the colder weather. Make sure to check, top off or replace all fluids, including brake, transmission, coolant, power steering and windshield washer fluid.

8. Pressure test-Assess the pressure of the cooling system, and examine belts and hoses for wear or deterioration.

9. Interior clean-up-Vacuum and be sure to throw away any unwanted garbage that has hibernated under your seats over the winter. Now is also the time to store your winter car mats in the garage.

10. Wash your car-All vehicles regardless of the finish (clear coat, acrylic, enamel, etc.) require regular washing throughout the year. To preserve your car's shine and protect the surface, wax your vehicle once it has dried completely.

"The warm weather is here-so be sure to follow these simple tips to ensure vehicle dependability in the warm months ahead," says Goss. "By taking care of your vehicle, it will more likely take care of you. And it will do it for a lot less money."

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10 things every car buyer must know

Buying a car needs not just investment but deep thought. The market is overflowing with choices and temptations. Buyers need to think, what kind of car and can I afford it?

Think, what do I need transportation for right now and what will I need two years from now? Do I want a car as a status symbol or as something that makes my life easier? Will the car be a commuter vehicle, or to transport children? Would a van with cargo space and high clearance be more suitable for a growing family? Should the car be a two-wheel or four-wheel drive? What kind of terrain will I be driving in most of the time? Go through auto magazines as well as consumer reports to get a clear picture of the world of cars.

1. Work on your finances and determine what you need to spend each month on transportation. A car should not cost more than 10% of your net pay per month. If it is more, then consider leasing a car instead of buying one.

2. Before you finalize anything, find out what the target price is. Four figure discounts are available with almost every make.

3. Never sign an arbitration clause or blank financial forms. Try and get finance from a separate source, a bank or financial institution.

4. Haggling will get you a good deal apart from shopping around for finance. The market is competitive be sure to check dealer fiancé, high street, internet lenders, as well as other options.

5. Try and ensure a large down payment thereby reducing the loan to be paid. Work out your finances and choice of car such that the term of loan is for the shortest period.

6. Find out what buying incentives are on offer. These vary from audio systems to cash back offers, and 0% financing. Ask what extras and add ons will cost in addition to the price of the car.

7. Be sure to evaluate your old car independently if you are considering a trade in. Pay attention to ‘cost to change’, the difference between what the new car costs and what the old one is worth.

8. Find out about warranties, taxes, and insurance. These can eat into your budget.

9. Vet the contract well. Read the fine print. Make sure that paying off the loan before time will not carry any penalty.

10. Check out at least 3-4 dealers to gauge what the best offer is.

Test drive the vehicle before you finalize the deal and go through the car booklet page by page to understand all that the manufacturer needs to tell you. Be clear what is under warranty and what is not.

Never choose vehicle based on a picture or dream. It is not how you look in the car that’s important but how well the car will fulfill your needs. Be practical and sensible; do not buy a model because the dealership is offering a holiday for two or a low interest scheme. Identify a vehicle that suits your needs before subjecting yourself to an onslaught of marketing.

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22 March, 2010

10 Good Reasons for taking Driving Lessons. A guide for the Irish Learner Driver.

In a driving context, most of the decisions that you take and the techniques that you employ, will have both an economic and a safety impact. The decision to take driving lessons is really a simple one but one that will have far reaching consequences well into the future. Most, if not all, poor or dangerous habits in today’s drivers stem from the lack of professional tuition at the outset. In this second in a series of articles designed to assist today’s learner drivers we will have a look at the benefits in taking Professional Tuition.
1. Taking lessons will greatly improve your chances of staying safe and accident free since providing you retain what you have been taught, you will be probably better than many motorists who have been driving for considerably longer. Lack of sufficient training, or even no training at all which is common in Ireland, will inevitably lead to accidents at a very early stage in the driving career. Accidents are to be avoided at all costs. After all isn’t the safety of the driver, the passengers and other road users the paramount priority?

2. A course of lessons at the start of your driving career and not one month from your Driving Test, will give you the confidence you need to continue the learning process, and will form the foundation for safe motoring.
3. Taking a course of lessons will give you the chance to be accepted by an insurance company for your first Insurance policy. In fact most companies will insist on a minimum number of lessons completed by a recognised school, before a son or daughter will be admitted onto a Parent’s policy.
4. On a very topical note, the Irish Insurer Hibernian, in conjunction with the Institute of Advanced Motorists, has extended its successful Ignition scheme to provisional license holders since January 2005.Learner drivers that pass the one hour driving assessment, will be offered a 21% reduction on their insurance. This is a substantial reduction for any new driver, particularly young males under 25 years of age, and well worth achieving. Just being in the possession of a provisional license will not suffice to pass this test. A course of lessons will be needed in order to achieve the required standard and the test should not be booked until quite a high level of both competence and confidence has been reached.
5. Passing the Department of Transport Driving Test, sooner rather than later, will result in further reductions in already high Insurance costs. Lessons taken just before the Driving Test will not cut it in today’s Test environment; there is just too much to learn if one wants to be successful first time out.
6. The long waiting list for the Irish Driving Test is a great inconvenience for many learner Drivers and also their Driving Instructors. The long wait is accentuated by the huge numbers of learners who do not prepare adequately with a professional school and then are forced to re sit their Test sometimes several times over. Career aspirations can easily be affected if the journey to a full License is overly prolonged.
7. Obtaining a full driving license promptly will speed up the reduction in your insurance premiums via your annual no claims bonus, providing of course you are not involved in any accidents.
8. As a fully licensed Driver you will have much greater opportunity to shop around for a competitive insurance quote, since there are only a very few companies who will insure provisional license holders and then only at a huge premium.
9. As an addition to item number 4 as a fully licensed Driver, you may apply for the more advanced Hibernian Ignition course, providing you are in your first five years of driving .This is a full day course, the cost of which can be recouped, if you pass the practical driving assessment at the end of the day. The reduction in insurance premium for the successful candidate can be upwards of 30%, so again very worthwhile .Drivers in this category should take a refresher course with a driving school to ensure that any bad habits or techniques are eradicated. Once again it is worth pointing out that the length of your driving experience is not a guarantee of success unless you started on the right foot to begin with!
10. If, in the early days of your working life you are unlucky enough to find yourself jobless through either, takeovers, cutbacks or closures, a full Driving License will enable you to pick up an interim job very quickly while you regroup and examine your future options. There is a shortage of drivers to fill current vacancies in Europe, particularly in the commercial sector so there are great opportunities for young qualified drivers who have been well trained.

Both career and promotional opportunities abound for the fully licensed driver in any organisation. Faced with two candidates of similar qualifications, an employer will naturally favour the person with the full license pretty much every time.

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8 Signs That Your Car Has Pothole Damage

A pothole can be your car's worst enemy. These holes or pits on a road's surface can seriously damage a vehicle's ride-control system.

If you do drive over a pothole, the Car Care Council recommends that you have your car's shocks or struts checked to make sure they aren't damaged.

Shocks and struts control how vehicles ride and handle. According to the Car Care Council, the shock absorbers, or struts as they are referred to on late-model vehicles, act as a cushion to dampen the bouncing action of a car's springs.
The springs absorb the road bumps; without them, the vehicle would continually bounce and bound down the road, making driving extremely difficult.

Shocks and struts also control spring and suspension movement to keep the tires in contact with the road. This affects steering, stability and braking. A broken shock or strut could alter the steering and handling of a vehicle and create driving dangers.

It's important to be aware of the warning signs that your vehicle's shocks or struts may need to be replaced.

* The vehicle rolls or sways on turns.

* The vehicle's front-end dives when braking.

* The vehicle's rear end squats when accelerating.

* The vehicle bounces or slides sideways on a winding, rough road.

* The vehicle "bottoms out" or thumps on bumps.

* The vehicle sits lower in the front or rear.

* The vehicle is leaking or has signs of physical damage, such as rusting or dents.

* There's a loss of directional control during sudden stops of the vehicle.

Many components affect a vehicle's handling. Having your car inspected, if you experience any of the above signs, is good preventive maintenance and can help its parts wear less and last longer.

"If you think you may have a worn out or broken shock or strut, don't wait," said Rich White, executive director of the Car Care Council. "Whether you replace it yourself or take your car to a professional service technician, this situation should be taken care of right away."

The Car Care Council is the source of information for the "Be Car Care Aware" campaign, educating consumers about the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair.

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21 March, 2010

8 GM Brands: 1 or 2 Too Many?

Lots of folks are speculating about GM’s future. If you take all the press reports at heart, you would think that General Motors is on life support. Quite frankly, the opposite is true especially when you look at the global picture. In 2005, “the General” sold more than 9 million cars worldwide, the first time the automaker reached that figure since 1978. Yes, U.S. auto sales are down and some are calling for GM to reduce its many brands, currently numbering 8. Who should GM let go? Or, should General Motors stick with the game plan and maintain all 8 brands?

For the record, GM’s 8 brands are: Cadillac, Buick, Pontiac, Chevrolet, Saturn, GMC, Hummer, and Saab. You could take Saab out of that pack as the Swedish automaker (although fully owned by GM) builds few cars in North America. Still, GM includes Saab in its marketing schema so we’ll keep them in for argument’s sake.
Clearly, Cadillac is GM’s luxury division; Chevrolet is it’s budget or “All American” division; while GMC is the truck division. Beyond that, there is much muddling of divisions, but Buick is a maker of “near luxury” vehicles (Cadillac lite) while Hummer is GM’s specialty truck division. The Saab line is a bit confusing as it once was a true European division. Now, the make is chiefly featuring rebadged GM and Subaru vehicles with little original models to show for it. Finally, Pontiac and Saturn duplicate much of what the other divisions do, although the Saturn mystique of “no haggle pricing” gives the make a certain aura to it. That leaves Pontiac.

Pontiac, like the recently killed off Oldsmobile name, is probably one of the most vulnerable of the true “American” makes. Saturn will survive because its dealer network is tops and consumer satisfaction ranks up there with Lexus.

Ultimately, the Saab name will likely die first. Outside of the U.S., particularly in Europe, Opel is a known name and an important GM make. Word has it that some of Saab’s production will shift to Germany and certain rebadged Opels will begin to sport the Saab name. Let’s just say once that happens, there is little reason to continue making Saabs. Let the Saab name die with dignity. Why spoil it by selling rebadged Opels as Saabs?

Personally, I think GM should leave well enough alone with its remaining American brands. I wasn’t in favor of Oldsmobile’s demise and I am not in favor of killing off trusted brands. GM is retooling its operation as old models are killed off and as new or revived models step in. Look for the Chevy Camaro, Pontiac Firebird, Saturn Sky, and the Buick Enclave to help spark their respective divisions to renewed glory. Am I living a pipe dream? Maybe, but at least my imagination is going in a positive direction.

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7 Tips To Help You Select Your Custom Car Cover

You lovingly wash and wax your vehicle on most sunny weekends, spending time detailing every single blotch, nick, scrape, or other damaging mark on your car's exterior. Part of the deal with owning any vehicle is making certain that it looks its best week in and week out. Still, you may not be doing all that you can to protect the finish. Other enemies including bird excrement, acid rain, and even harmful UV rays can thwart the best efforts of even the most diligent car owner. Fortunately, there is one automotive accessory that can help keep your car clean, provided you use it when your car is parked for an extended length of time. What am I talking about? Car covers! Read on for seven helpful tips to help you choose the right cover for your truck, van, SUV, or car.

When shopping for a custom car cover you must give consideration to what it does besides simply covering your car. Among some important points to know:

Will the car cover protect from damaging UV rays? If you live in an area of intense sunshine, such as Arizona, you need a car cover that offers the maximum protection from the sun.

Is the material durable? Does it breath? Will it tear if loaded down with snow or ice?

Will the car cover resist or completely repel rain?

Can the product survive weather extremes, i.e. intense heat or severe cold?

Will the car cover resist dust? Some car covers prevent even the finest dust from accumulating, dust that can mar your garaged car too.

Does the car cover come with multiple layers to protect from small insults? This is important feature to have if you leave your car in a public area. In addition, selecting a car cover that comes with side mirror pockets is a wise choice to ensure that your car receives the snuggest fit.

Finally, you will want to know if there is a lengthy guarantee offered, what colors are available, and what the return policies are, if any, of the cover that you select.

Most premium car covers allow you for them to be cleaned right in your washing machine. By selecting cold to warm water, regular bleach-free laundry detergent, and drying it on your dryer's permanent press cycle, you can make the dirtiest car cover clean in no time. Of course, make certain that you adhere to the manufacturer's specifications for the proper care of your car cover.

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20 March, 2010

7 Reasons To Buy A Hybrid Car

You’re probably hearing a lot about hybrid cars these days. They are definitely being discussed everywhere. Hardly a day goes by that a major newspaper or television network isn’t doing a feature story on hybrids. And everyday it seems like one car manufacturer or another is introducing a new hybrid vehicle.

So what’s all the buzz about?

Well, hybrids are a new type of vehicle that runs on electricity (from a battery) and gasoline. Now, that’s a novel idea isn’t it?

Hybrids are picking up steam (sounds like a pun doesn’t it?) everywhere, including the world’s most a car lovin’ city – Los Angeles – where many of the top stars are hybrid owners.

In the “City of the Angels” you’ll see environmentally forward thinking celebrities, like Bill Maher, Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and “Seinfeld” co-creator and “Curb Your Enthusiasm” creator and star, Larry David behind the wheel of their hybrids.

You might also see the lovely Cameron Diaz cruisin’ the Hollywood Hills in her hybrid.
And when Leonardo Di Caprio really wants to feel like “the king of the world,” guess what he’ll be driving? You did guess a hybrid, didn’t you?

What do the stars know that you don’t?

Well they know that driving a hybrid makes a lot of sense (and may save some cents too! :-) )

Want to know more about hybrids? Good. Now here are 7 reasons to buy a hybrid car.

1. The smaller hybrid compacts and sedans save considerable amounts of fuel compared to cars powered by gas turbine engines. If you’re interested in saving dollars on gas, this could be your solution.

2. The larger hybrid cars are not concerned with fuel efficiency. These cars are purchased because their owners want to boost power and performance. If you’re looking to get higher performance, consider a hybrid.

3. Hybrids can save you money in a multitude of ways. While the typical hybrid is about $3000 more than a typical car, this cost differential will narrow as auto manufacturers produce more hybrid cars in the future. The hybrid savings come in the form of state and federal incentives, reduced maintenance costs, and of course, lower fuel costs.

4. Your hybrid will even be financially advantageous to you when you decide it’s time to sell it. The resale value of hybrid cars is exceptional. Unlike most cars, hybrids hold their value at an astonishing level.

5. If you care about the planet and you’re concerned with the kind of environment you leave for future generations, driving a hybrid car is an important environmental statement. Hybrids generate less pollution than their standard counterparts.

6. Driving a hybrid saves gas. That’s a positive for our economy. The less we, as a society, spend on gas means we have more money to spend on other essentials and luxury products. We could even save the money we would have spent on gas and use it for our savings or investment plans.

7. Driving a hybrid could help America fight the war in Iraq. Here’s why. In addition to funding U.S. soldiers and the Iraqi efforts to create a democracy, many experts contend the U.S. is actually funding both sides of the Iraqi war. They believe Middle Eastern oil interests’ are using part of their profits to fund the insurgency. So, in effect, our excessive oil consumption makes it more difficult to bring peace to Iraq. Bottom line: the less we spend on gas and oil means less financial resources for our enemies overseas.

For all of these reasons, hybrid cars are “the next big thing in the automotive world.” So when it comes time for your next auto purchase, do yourself a favor and check out some hybrids cars. You might find that a hybrid is the perfect car for you.

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7 Guidelines For Used Car Prices

1. Know a little about pricing before you buy a used car. Franchise dealers that sell used cars add a certain percentage on the original value of the used car in the market. Markup is also added to the price of the used car at dealerships, which will make the price higher.

2. Determine the many factors that affect the used car prices. Used car pricings are affected by installed optional equipments or the location where you are buying the used car. There are areas that have a high market demand for a certain car. If that is the case, you may get a better deal if you travel outside of the zone to shop around for your car.

3. Find the used car's true market value at NADA. National Automobile Dealer's Association releases a copy of used car price guides every year. You may also check their web site to check the current prices of the used cars you are looking for.

4. Cheaper used cars may be found at government auctions. Government auctions happen every year and you may want to check out a checklist of the auction program.
It may also offer you guidelines on finding quality used cars at lower prices. You may visit Federal Citizen Information to find out the guidelines in buying used cars from government auctions.

5. Check out the Internet. There are a lot of web sites that provide pricing guides on used cars and also guidelines in finding the right used car for you. You may compare prices; check out the features of the used car and the location where you can buy cheaper prices.

6. Determine if you have a fair deal with the price that is offered to you. Factors that affect used car prices include the age, market demand, overall condition, mileage, interior and exterior blemishes or if the car was maintained well.

7. Beware of trade tricks. Many dealers strategize on the behavior of consumers when buying used cars. Dealers know that buyers will not purchase a used car unless they feel that they are offered a price lower than the original price. Dealers tend to make the price higher than the actual amount and make the buyer believe that they are offering a discount. What the buyer does not know is that the discounted price is actually the original price of the car.

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19 March, 2010

6 Pocket Rockets!

Just because your car is small, doesn’t mean that it has to be slow. In fact, some of the fastest cars on the road today are subcompacts. How so? Because their owners have modified them to the point where they can squeeze out additional horsepower and acceleration. Let’s take a look at six cars that qualify as genuine “pocket rockets.”

For the sake of argument, here are some ground rules for a pocket rocket:

  • The car must be a compact or smaller.

  • The engine must be normally aspirated; no turbo charged cars – four cylinders only.

  • New versions of the car must all retail for less than $20,000.

    The following six cars all qualify as pocket rockets when each of the above stipulations has been met:

    Dodge Neon; Ford Focus; Honda Civic; Scion tC; Subaru Impreza; and Volkswagen Golf.

    Unfortunately, the Mitsubishi Eclipse retails for just above $20,000 so it does not qualify. Besides, it looks too much like a sports car; we are only examining those vehicles that are somewhat plain before
    being transformed by aftermarket parts.

    Dodge Neon – Technically, the Neon is no longer in production as 2005 was its last model year. Still, with a 2.0L 132hp engine, the Neon remains an affordable favorite of the youth set who enjoy customizing their vehicles

    Ford Focus – A lemon no more! Earlier models of the Focus were problem plagued, but the car has made significant strides in the past few years and has received Consumer Report’s recommended buy label too. The stubby ZX3 produces 136 horses with its 2.0L engine

    Honda Civic – Redesigned for 2006, the Civic has been a fan favorite for over thirty years. Its teeny 1.8L engine pushes out an impressive 140 horses. The new Civic is a far cry from the “pregnant roller” skate look of the first Civics. Owners are grateful.

    Scion tC- Unlike its two boxy brethren, the tC is sleek looking and has a rocket demeanor. With a 2.3L under its hood, the tC has the second largest engine of any car in this class. You net 160 horses with the Scion.

    Subaru Impreza – The biggest car in this class has the most powerful engine, a 2.5L boxter engine producing 173 horses. Very competitive with larger and more powerful cars, but a favorite among “pocket rocket” fans nevertheless.

    VW Golf – A 2.0L 115hp drives the Golf, but the car’s light weight allows for it to buzz down the highway at a fairly good clip.

    Favorite ways of squeezing out additional power for pocket rocket owners include installing the following aftermarket parts:

  • Reusable air filters; top providers include: K&N and Green.

  • Cold air intake systems; favorites include: K&N, AEM, and Airaid.

  • Cat-back exhaust systems; leading manufacturers include: Magnaflow and Vibrant.

  • Performance chips; Hypertech and Jet Chips lead the way.

    Performance level increases are measured in horsepower, thrust, and acceleration. Depending on the parts installed and model selected, improvements can range from slight to significant. Regardless, all six models have the potential of becoming true pocket rockets and that is part of the thrill in owning one.

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  • 18 March, 2010

    6 Must Have Auto Accessories

    Buying a new car is an experience that few will ever forget: the smell, the pristine interior, and the flawless ride are some of the things enjoyed by new car owners. Yet, despite how well equipped even the most expensive cars can be, oftentimes they leave the showroom with several accessories missing. No, they weren’t stolen; instead, for some queer reason these “must have” accessories were not included with the sale. Let’s take a look at six accessories every vehicle should have.

    Floor mats – You have got to be kidding…no floor mats?! Oddly, floor mats are the chief accessory typically not included with any sale.
    Instead, you get a throwaway paper sheet for the driver. Without floor mats in place you can bet that the interior will be soiled in short order. Worse, if you wait too long your carpeting could be damaged which is especially bad news for you if you lease your vehicle. Just wait ‘til you see the price of replacing damaged automotive carpeting!

    Cargo liners – Like the interior, the car’s trunk area is subject to dirt, debris, mud, the elements, and more. Some automakers have wised up over the years and included cargo liners as standard equipment while others make a cargo liner an expensive add-on, after-the-sale accessory for buyers.

    Bug shields – If you live in a humid climate, a bug shield is a must. No automaker offers one as standard equipment; if you want to protect your hood and windshield a bug shield is a must. Also marketed as bug deflectors.

    Car bra – Sure, they are stylish, but a car bra is much more than that. Offering protection to your grille and to the front part of your hood, a car bra can help deflect debris kicked up from the road. Who hasn’t come across that sort of problem while traversing our interstates?

    Brake dust shields – No, there isn’t a safety aspect with a dust shield, but there certainly are aesthetic reasons why they make sense. You spent a lot for your tires and wheels, so why go through the hassle of a weekly cleaning just to keep your car looking great? Dust shields limit the dust so that you can do what you really want to do: drive.

    Car cover – Whether you keep your car garaged or whether you leave it outside, a car cover is essential toward protecting your vehicle’s finish. Indoor air pollution and dust can damage a garaged vehicle; solar rays, moisture, bird poop, wind, and small impacts can damage exposed vehicles. For less than $200 you can buy a four layer, breathable car cover that will offer the protection your car so desperately needs.

    So, there you have it. Six essential auto accessories for every vehicle. You’ll pay a mint for each accessory if you let your dealer add them in after the sale, so why not shop online with Car Stuff to find everything you need for your car and for less?

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    17 March, 2010

    5 Tips for a Clean Garage Workshop

    You park your car in the driveway and you still have to work on your projects in the back yard. If you don't use your garage for its designed purpose, why not turn it into a tidy workshop? Here are five steps to turn your garage in a perfect small home workshop:

    1) Create your own workbench from an old door, some sawhorses or scrap wood.

    2) Mount a pegboard on the wall to store your tools. It would be a great idea to mount it above your workbench. Strategically place pegs according to the type of tools you will be placing on the board. After hanging your tools, trace around them with a marker so you will know where each one goes.
    3) Use old jars for holding nails, nuts, bolts and screws.

    4) Make a storage box for the rags because they tend to accumulate in the working area.

    5) Use a small tackle box for transporting items such as screws and nails as you move around the shop.

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    5 Benefits Of Car Covers – How Can They Protect Your Investment?

    Why Buy A Custom-Fit Car Cover? To help protect your investment and keep your vehicle looking show-room new. Keeping your vehicle covered with a car cover can:

    • Prevent unsightly dents, dings and scratches

    • Shield it against finish-destroying man-made and natural hazards

    • Act as an excellent theft deterrent

    • Put a barrier between your paint and damaging weather

    • For the fifth car cover benefit visit AutoAnything.com for more details

    Dents, Dings and Scratches Reference

    There's a certain feeling you experience when you discover that first dent, ding or scratch on your new vehicle. Unfortunately, they're a fact of life and nothing short of covering your vehicle with reactive tank armor will truly prevent them. However, using a car cover adds a layer of protective padding to cushion against runaway shopping carts, absent-minded car doors or other blows.

    Natural Hazards Guide

    Birds, trees, dust. They certainly seem harmless enough, but without a car cover, they can inflict serious damage to your prized vehicle.

    Our fine feathered friends seem to have impeccable aim when it comes to leaving their droppings on our vehicles. Outdoor car covers catch bird bombs before they splatter against your paintjob.
    Plus, the majority of outdoor car cover fabrics are not harmed by the droppings acidity outdoor car cover fabrics.

    The shady spot under a tree may look like a welcome spot to park your vehicle. However, with nuts, berries, sap, pollen, not to mention the roosting birds, parking under a tree can wreak havoc on your vehicle. A car cover can help keep your vehicle cool, even in the sun. Or, if you do park under a tree, a car cover can safeguard your vehicle from the onslaught.

    Your vehicle's paint is only about 0.006 inches thick. Whether indoors or out, when dust sits on your paint it turns abrasive and causes minute scratches. By the time you notice them, it's already too late. Both indoor car cover fabrics and outdoor car cover fabrics are designed to keep dust away from the surface of your vehicle.

    Theft Deterrent Reference

    Though it may only look like a thin layer of fabric, a Covercraft car cover can do an amazing job at keeping thieves away from your vehicle. Since time is crucial in not getting caught, thieves often pass by covered vehicles, which take longer to get into, and go after easier prey. And, if you add a lock and cable to your car cover, you will not only keep your cover secure, but your vehicle becomes even harder to steal.

    Damaging Weather Guide

    You don't have to be a meteorologist to know that harsh weather can do a number on your vehicle's finish. An occasional spring shower poses no real threat to your vehicle. However, seemingly harmless rain can find its way into tiny scratches or blemishes and start the corrosion process. And, acid rain - well, the name says it all. A water-resistant car cover will keep your vehicle high and dry.

    Harsh UV (ultraviolet) rays and the intense radiant heat of the Sun can cook the color right out of your paint. A car cover is like sunscreen for your vehicle, blocking harmful UV light and preventing photo degradation. And, a lighter colored car cover will yield a reflective cooling effect.

    It's not the cold that gets to your vehicle's finish - it's the moisture and salt. These two corrosive cohorts are in cahoots to ravage your paint. Fortunately, a car cover can keep both these culprits away from your vehicle.

    The fundamental advantages of custom-fit car covers

    A custom-fit car cover is specially tailored to the lines of your vehicle. No detail is left unturned. Custom-fit car covers hug every contour of your vehicle and feature sewn-in mirror pockets, plus grommet holes for antennas.

    On the other hand, low-quality universal-fit car covers are baggy and can slip, slide and rub against your paint, destroying your finish. Additionally, the poor fit allows the harsh elements to creep in at every gap and defeat the purpose of the cover.

    The specialized cut of a custom-fit car cover is far and away the best choice to wrap up and protect your vehicle.

    When deciding which car cover is right for your vehicle, we advise that you consider:

    • Where you park and how often you use your vehicle

    • The weather in your area

    • What color is right for your vehicle and storage needs

    Where You Park and How Often You Use Your vehicle:

    • When you park outside and cover up every day, you may want to choose a lightweight outdoor car cover that's simple to use and easy to fold.

    • For those who park in crowded lots or on streets with children at play and heavy pedestrian traffic, a thicker heavyweight outdoor car cover that provides some dent and ding protection is best.

    • If you garage your vehicle and frequently cover and uncover it, a lightweight indoor car cover is ideal.

    • Choose a heavier indoor car cover to keep your classic safe for long-term storage.

    • A super-soft indoor car cover lets you pamper your "baby" and keep it safe and secure.

    The Weather in Your Area

    The ideal car cover for your vehicle is greatly influenced by your local weather. Many materials have been developed to deal with specific inclement weather conditions. Rainy parts of the country like the Pacific Northwest and Deep South would demand an outdoor car cover with exceptional water resistance. The coastal areas along the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico need a car cover that will protect from and last in salty air. In the sunniest zones of the country like the desert Southwest, a Coverking car cover with extra UV and photo degradation protection and reflective properties makes the most sense.

    Tips on What Color is Right for Your vehicle and Storage Needs

    Car covers are offered in an array of colors, but picking the right hue isn't solely a matter of personal taste. Here are a few tips and points of reference to help you with your choice:

    • If you live in a sunnier climate, you'll want a lighter colored fabric for outdoor storage.

    • If you have a lighter colored vehicle, a lighter colored fabric is safer for your paint. Bright colors, although thoroughly, tested could bleed under certain conditions.

    • If you're looking for style, a vibrant color can lend your vehicle character or compliment its finish.

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    16 March, 2010

    4 Ways To Increase Automotive Performance

    In these days of high gasoline prices, it may seem ridiculous to consider ways to increase your car's performance as they are almost always associated with increased fuel consumption. However, there are four ways to increase performance that do not have to negatively impact your gas mileage.
    Let's take a closer look at each one.

    1. Reusable Air Filters. Landfills are stuffed with items we use once and then throw out. Auto air filters are one such item and through the life of a car you can go through 6-12 of them with no problem. For approximately three times the price, washable and reusable air filters are a great alternative. When you purchase one it likely will be the last air filter your car will ever need. Reusable air filters enable you to gain slight increases in horsepower and acceleration as well as to impact the environment in a positive way.

    2. Performance Chips. All new cars are operated by a computer chip that tells how much torque and horsepower can be displaced. Performance chips or recalibrations of your current chip can produce significant increases in horsepower and torque for your vehicle.

    3. Performance Exhaust Systems. Cat-back or "catalyst-back exhaust systems" are a great way to free up trapped torque and to unleash horsepower. Keeping all the important emissions parts in place, a cat-back system incorporates large width exhaust pipes and low restriction performance mufflers into your car thereby lowering exhaust back pressure. A side benefit is the really awesome sound emitting from the exhaust system.

    4. Cold Air Intake. A cold air intake is an under the hood mod that helps to reduce the temperature of the air entering the car for the sole purpose of increasing the power of the engine. Side benefits include enhancements to the appearance of the engine bay as this part can be attractive and colorful; the sound the unit makes is also appealing.

    Costs for each of these performance enhancements can vary greatly. Shopping online with a trusted wholesaler is one of the best ways to find top quality parts at the lowest possible prices. By doing the work yourself, you can save a bundle and enjoy the fruits of your labor in no time.

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    15 March, 2010

    3M Clear Bra - What an invention!

    The 3m clear bra is a wonderful invention for any car-lover who treats his prized possession like a true friend. A man’s best friend is not always the family dog. Sometimes a car can take the place of a great pet and nothing hurts more than seeing that first scratch or dent on your favorite automobile.

    However, traditional protective bras are not the most attractive option for car owners who want to protect their investments.

    The problem with the traditional protective covering is simply due to the fact that it covers the magnificent machine. No real car enthusiast wants to hide his prized automobile under a rubbery surface. He doesn’t want to spend a lot of money on the perfect finish to cover it up with a protective layer. Unfortunately, many car owners had to choose between chips and scrapes or hiding the finish.

    Not anymore. A car enthusiast can opt for a 3m clear bra that protects the car by creating a colorless barrier between the car’s finish and the elements. The 3m clear bra is simply a protective film that is literally painted over the car’s exterior. This product is commonly used on trucks, cars and vans of vehicle owners who cringe at the thought of a pebble getting near their priceless object.

    The 3m clear bra is also used to protect headlights as well. The protective layer is commonly applied to the front of the vehicle and on the lenses of the headlights. The beauty of this material is that it is virtually undetectable. The original design of the vehicle is not changed in any way. The owner has the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the car is protected while having the luxury of enjoying his vehicle in its original state.

    Some may wonder if the product is really as effective as the traditional protective cover. The 3m clear bra will protect the vehicle from chipping. The material was originally designed to be used on aircraft propellers to protect them from chipping. Surely the material will be effective at preventing chipping on vehicles as well.

    Another concern is the quality of the clarity of the 3m clear bra. How clear is it, really? The manufacturer of the product boasts that the material is virtually undetectable unless the vehicle is very white in color. The clear coat is slightly visible on a stark white car when very close but it is not detectable from a distance. You will see a faint line where the 3m clear bra stops but that is better than an ugly bug shield or paint chips.

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    3 American Performance Cars

    Bear with me as I step back in time to formulate what I believe are three terrific American built performance cars: the Ford Mustang, the Dodge Challenger, and the Chevrolet Camaro. Currently, only the Mustang is in production with the Challenger coming back by 2009. GM hasn’t committed to building the Camaro just yet, but the company is likely to make a decision in favor of the car and its sibling, the Pontiac Firebird, by this summer. So, what is it about American performance cars that set them apart from the rest? In one word: muscle. Read on as I compare and contrast these three vehicles and share with you my feeble attempts to explain the culture behind the cars.

    So, you think I forgot the Chevy Corvette and Dodge Viper when talking about performance cars? No, I did not. Both models are performance cars as well as race cars. On the other hand the Mustang, Challenger, and Camaro are mass produced performance cars with muscle. There is a difference in the way a typical race car handles, rides, and performs vs. a muscle car.

    Typically, a muscle car was a coupe version of some of the larger cars that were pervasive on
    U.S. highways in the 1960s and 1970s. The Mustang and Camaro, however, were designed separately [although they both heavily borrowed parts from other models] and these “pony” cars were a category all to themselves. For comparison’s sake, they join the Dodge Challenger, a performance version of Mopar cars of its time. All three were compared by critics of that time and all three will once again be compared in a few years when production has been ramped up.

    Ford Mustang -– Step back in time with me to April 1964 to an era when America was heavily involved in the space race, Lyndon Johnson was president, and General Motors ruled autodom. Ford, for its part, had been nipping at GM’s heels for years, but the failed Edsels of the late 1950s had cost the company dearly. Still, it was the time of the New York World’s Fair and Ford used the fair and television technology to promote its newest offering, the Mustang. A 2+2 coupe borrowing parts from the Fairlane and Falcon, the 1964 ½ model was the first one sold and is widely credited with being the best introduction of a new vehicle ever. With a V6 engine standard and V8 optional, the all new Mustang quickly broke sales records and has been a hot seller ever since. Indeed, with the introduction of the “retro” look Mustang in 2005, the car once again has spawned interest in the muscle car segment as both DaimlerChrysler and General Motors craft competing models of their own.

    Dodge Challenger -– After the success of earlier muscle cars including the Dodge Charger and Plymouth ‘Cuda, the Dodge Challenger was launched as a 1970 model. The car borrowed heavily from the ‘Cuda although the sheet metal was somewhat different and the wheelbase was stretched by a couple of inches. Because the muscle car era was in decline at the time of its introduction, the Challenger lasted only five model years before it was cancelled. The concept Challenger currently on display at many auto shows is based on the 1970 design and is the talk of message boards and blogs across the nation. Look for Hemi powered engines as being favored by many owners; the car is likely to share some technology with the current Magnum wagon and Charger sedan.

    Chevrolet Camaro -- GM was asleep at the wheel when the Mustang came out. It took nearly three years before the company could respond and when it did the Camaro and Pontiac Firebird were the result. Although both cars sold well over the years, neither one could match the Mustang’s sales levels and by the time the last cars were sold in 2002, production dropped to a trickle. Still, the end of the Camaro after 35 years has stirred renewed interest in the name and thanks to the retro Mustang, the entire muscle car category is growing once again. Look for a 2010 Camaro to be the first Camaro since 2002; a ragtop version is also being considered.

    So, just who can be expected to purchase a muscle car these days? People just like me: middle aged men who grew up with the original models. In addition, a whole new generation of younger drivers tired of the “me too” look of so many of the compact cars out there. Muscle cars of today are so much different from earlier era cars as they incorporate the look of the originals while harnessing today’s technology. Thus, fuel savings will be decent without sacrificing performance: a true win-win situation.

    No, I cannot wait to see a Mustang, Challenger, and Camaro lined up at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn green. A new muscle car era is upon us and for that I am very excited.

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    14 March, 2010

    3 Advantages Of Hybrid Cars Over Conventional Cars

    Due to the rising cost of fuel and the environmental damage it causes to our planet, many car owners or buyers are looking for an alternative way to save money. Let's face it, fuel supply is finite and the prices of gas is only going to rise higher and higher. That is where a hybrid car has its advantages.

    Hybrid cars have been gaining in popularity in recent years. With lower cost of production and new hybrid car technology being developed, owning a hybrid car is becoming affordable to everyone.

    Hybrid Cars Saves Gas

    The obvious advantage of using hybrid cars is that it saves gas. Combining the cleaner energy of an electric motor with the long range capacity of a gasoline engine allows a hybrid car to save as much as 30 miles a gallon. One feature of hybrid cars is that the gasoline engine is shut off automatically when the car stops. This also helps in saving fuel. That is also the reason why hybrid cars are so quiet why it is stationary. The gasoline engine is automatically turned on when you step on the accelerator pedal.

    Hybrid Cars Are Environment Friendly

    Hybrid cars emit lower toxic emissions compared to conventional gasoline-powered cars due to less gasoline being burned. It is environmentally friendly, causes less pollution and releases less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If you do not know, carbon dioxide is one of the primary reasons for rising global warming. For example, the Toyota Prius can reduce tailpipe emissions by up to ninety percent and the greenhouse gas emissions by as much as fifty percent.

    Tax Incentives For Hybrid Cars

    Due to world political pressures around the world to reduce greenhouse emissions, President Bush signed an agreement in 2005 to provide huge tax relief to hybrid car buyers. The tax incentive varies by model and are based on two factors

    1. How fuel efficient the hybrid car is compared to a conventional car in 2002 with the same weight class.

    2. How much gasoline the hybrid car can save in its lifetime compared with an equivalent conventional car

    For example, a Honda Accord hybrid car have reduced tax credits of $600 while a Toyota Prius has a tax credit of $3150. Do note that the tax credits do expire after 2010 for most hybrid cars.

    Hybrid car manufacturers are continually researching for more ways to reduce fuel consumption and better fuel efficiency. Also as more hybrid cars are being adopted, the cost of hybrid cars will reduce making it more affordable for everyone.

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    ‘Tune yourself’ with the best performance software

    Are you one of those passionate drivers, looking to extract maximum power from their engines without having to sacrifice the simplicity, safety and comfort that come with owning a European car? You now have but one choice – getting a big turbo software!

    There are many available now on the market! The unitronic turbo software comes in a number of hardware configurations for most Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche and Volvo applications. There are also programs for all setups: from street/track monsters to quarter mile beasts. For certain setups that are not yet available, you can choose the dyno tuned custom software, tailored to your needs. There are many factors that determine how any software will react to your specific setup. This turbo software I’m telling you about is developed in house along with a network of enthusiasts constantly testing and data-logging to ensure the best drivability. In certain cases, there will be free software updates released, providing the best in drivability and performance.

    The benefit of this special software over standalone engine management is that all the original manufacturers’ safety limits and functions are retained. By properly modifying the parameters which manage the engines power delivery and output, the original startup and driving characteristics will be maintained in all climates.

    The performance software version introduces to you the smoothest and most reliable power gains available for your vehicle. All programs are precisely tuned for all driving conditions to bring you the most reliability. Professionals know that dynamometer test results are an over simplifications. They only tell part of the story since the engine is tested only at full throttle. You don't drive all day with your foot to the floor. That’s why you need a performance software, one that will maximize the power and torque you need in everyday driving conditions, where (we drivers know!) running smooth and brisk acceleration are equally as important. The unitronic performance software comes with an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee. The 30 day grace period will ensure that your expectations are met. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you may return it to your place of purchase for a full refund. Unitronics is all about your driving satisfaction. A risk-free satisfaction guarantee gives you total peace of mind.

    And if you didn’t know, last year, in April, UNISetting was released. This useful application, developed by unitronic for the Bosch Motronic Me7 system, allows the user to manipulate and adjust the built-in ECM adaptation channels to enhance the enthusiast's particular setup - from stock to modified, oct specific tweaks and adjusting for larger Injectors to better suit performance and drivability. The application is, in fact, a USB based interface (the first of its kind!) to work with any Generic FTDI USB Communication interface. This device actually enables you to use your USB VAG-COM Cable Ver.A, B or C to make minor tweaks to your ECM! Be careful! If you need a VAG-Com Cable to use this amazing tool, be sure to get the Genuine Ross-Tech Vag-com Cable.

    So, if the answer to my introductive question is yes, stop thinking and order your software today! Get and feel the power you always wanted! You will be amazed! There is no doubt that the products of one of today's leading innovative OEM ECM tuners are specially designed to offer you the best in performance and quality!

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    11 March, 2010

    Driving At Night Is Dangerous

    Driving at night is incredibly dangerous- especially if you cannot see where you are going. A few years ago, when I was in college, I noticed that I was having difficulty seeing the names of street signs when I would drive home from my night classes. Not really thinking too much about it, I then started to notice that I was also having difficulty judging distances when waiting to make a turn. The cars that approached me looked like little starbursts of light, and I couldn't tell how far or near they were in order to accurately judge when I should turn into traffic, so I would simply wait until there weren't any cars coming before I would go. In addition to this, I was having trouble reading the blackboard in class. It didn't take a genius to figure out that perhaps it was time to get glasses. Once I did finally get glasses, my vision was back to where it should have been, although I shudder to think about what may have happened had I not taken action.

    Recently, my mother relayed a story to me about how she was at work one night and was going to walk across a little side street to get a bite to eat from the restaurant that was located there. As she was preparing to cross the street, the first thing that caught her eye was a single shoe belonging to a woman. She then looked up and was shocked to discover that there was a crowd beginning to gather around what looked like a young woman laying in the street. My mom, remembering that one of her fellow employees had just walked out the door not even

    five minutes before her, rushed over to see what was going on. Sure enough, there was my mother's co-worker laying on the ground in the middle of the road going in and out of consciousness. My mother was able to identify her to the crowd of people gathering and then rushed back inside the store to get the manager.

    Later on, it was found out that my mother's co-worker was actually en route to the same sandwich shoppe that my mother was originally heading to when an elderly woman rounded the corner very fast and struck her. The impact of the car hitting her actually knocked her out of her shoes. Thankfully, she didn't really sustain any serious injuries and was released from the hospital later that night. However, the fact remains that when it is dark outside, whether you are the driver or the pedestrian, you have to be so careful because things aren't illuminated quite as well as they normally would be under normal lighting circumstances. This is why you often see dead deer laying across highways and back roads. It's often because drivers cannot see them until it is too late.

    Older drivers' reflexes typically aren't as sharp as they were when they were younger, so you have to be wary when sharing the road with them. The same thing applies to younger drivers who may not have yet developed the proper driving techniques to keep them out of trouble.

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    How to protect your car from thieves

    The case of the stolen cars has risen to an alarming extent. Are due to the tense economic situation, people lose their life-hood by the loss of jobs and the company is bankrupt. Is therefore the height of criminality and not wait until the economy turned around and offer the opportunity to earn a living. It is important that vehicle owners maintain that their assets safely aggressive.

    The event took place recently in the night I felt as if I should lose my brand new Toyota Innova. Apparently car thieves have tabs on our movement for some time. In fact, the modus operandi of car thieves has become a particular target, and observed a few days or weeks before they go into their actions. The fact is clear that the gate is unlocked without much expense. In other words, they watch what keys I should be used to block the entrance gate. The fact is that we do not have a garage and parking our car outside our house and of course in the plant. Many people park their cars outside their homes because the page is not the availability of the garage.

    Apparently, a car thief in our house about 2 caught! Many people are fast asleep, and people are rarely on the road. We live in a residential area and the movement of people and more rare to 12-3. Most people come home late to 1 and other early risers to stay awake with the preparations at 4. Intervening period has received very ripe for thieves, and run with their prey. Two men have been entered into our connection to unlock the gate and one of them can successfully an alarm system with wires through the achievement made under the car cut off. It seems that people here (to a mechanical expert s) and they know what they were doing. Luckily, our car has a different horn outside hiding for anyone to access without opening the hood. If the thieves thought they had secretly turn off the horns, and they try to unlock the car with a skeleton appears, the second hidden horn sounded twice as loud as if the car was unlock it. This unexpected turn of events surprised the thieves and forced them to flee. Our car was saved to live another day.

    If the thief was in their actions we, the "Early Bird" rag suspicious persons seen in our compound and a car near our house in the shadows, and other fat people parked there. It is clear that the people in the car is ready to sweep aside a partner in crime, if someone saw her. In fact, we have a security patrol our streets and some streets in our region.

    Unfortunately, the security officials did not see the thief had to know if the old rag on the people in the complex / fence. At the time, security officials had reached the house, the thief got wind of their grave situation, and fled from the scene. The door is wide open to welcome the security guard on his arrival in the "scene!" The poor security guard can not say; thief can drive off right in front of the security forces was not the alarm sounds.

    In fact, when a car honked twice, at 2, my wife woke me from sleep and asked me to check our car. I casually looked out the front window and saw nothing. I went back and told my wife about it, no one saw the outside and we thought that the alarm can be set by a cat. We know know nothing about the incident, the guard woke up at 3:30 and reported to us. We were surprised. Our relaxed approach to the safety of our car cost us a car.

    I can not imagine, and there is no way to accept that someone has stolen my car. I have an emotional attachment to my car. If someone stole my car, it was like I lost something very important in my life. My car has a very important place and role in daily life.

    Many famous people have lost their cars and motorcycles, they were all shocked and traumatic scars, and they never leave, because they lost their cars. From what I hear from people, more often than not, the bulk of the stolen car was never found. There are a number of groups that specialize in dismantling stolen vehicles and distribute the parts in the two markets, or transportation of stolen vehicles and contact the license number on a very handsome profit selling. Car theft is very much organized crime, and every owner of a car or can use the bike to succumb to it.

    This could happen to anyone, anytime. This is in our interest to ensure our lives in this difficult time. If you have a car or a bicycle, remember, a little prevention can save many headaches.

    What we do in order to buy our car from thieves:

    When we realized that we were happy, because a failed attempt to steal our cars, we take the incident seriously.

    In the first instance, the safety of our car, take the second, to ensure security around our house, and finally the improvement of security around our area as a precautionary measure.

    How to improve the safety car:

    1) Make sure the alarm is always active and you use them to repair, if you do not watch at work. Every night before going into retirement check, the car was locked and the alarm is activated. For old models have, thieves opportunities to the entire alarm system to ensure that the alarm has been placed out of range found from the underside of the vehicle. Talk to a mechanic to see evidence of sabotage alarm.

    2) Use a steering lock and the position of the longest protected against the wind. This is the thief for a few precious minutes late, and prevent them from breaking the lock. This will set up a physical memorial and prevent a cunning thief trying at all. This is a good size, works well, even your car parked in the public, both in the daytime and nighttime.

    How do the security around the car during the dark

    1) Make the car near the fence, or a connection to the view gate block, allowing you a clear view of the gate in the night.

    2) Use the chain tightened around the door lock

    3) Parking is to be well lit at night. Cars in a dark living and easy targets parked.

    How to improve security in the region

    To bring 1) Talk with local representatives or leaders and security issues relating to him / her

    2) Create and improve a municipal street lighting. Dark streets invite a thief!

    3) If possible, get the city council offices set up barricades at night in the most important single-occupied and exiting the area, be, can in the night

    4) Make you aware of your neighbors and make them aware of the risks and encourage them to do what you have done to keep your car safe (as in point 1 and 2)

    Other personal steps to prepare for unexpected situations:

    Do not take lightly the car thieves. They are prepared for the worst and they are more violent. They even carry guns! So be careful if you see someone or some people who tried to steal the car. Open the front door and immediately alert the alarm screaming to the neighbors and the efforts of thieves "film. Call the local security guard at his cell phone. So do not forget to bring the emergency number n (with) when you need it.

    If it will save and care for our loved ones from a stolen car, our only car owners. No one else can replace it, you can save your car. The police also has a limit. So better to be prepared if the thief attacks you when you least expect them!

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    07 March, 2010

    Utilizing techniques "Engine Brake" Matic Car

    Today, luxury cars are already using transmission that operates automatically. This means that drivers no longer have exhausted the clutch to change gear. In cars with manual transmission, to move the teeth, the clutch must be pressed.

    Another fact, of the entire control system must be operated car driver, the clutch is the most energy-consuming. In addition, the operating rate is also very high, especially when the traffic or solid crawl!

    Hurry up
    However, it is still a lot of us who still assume negative automatic transmission. It is also recognized by the car manufacturer. For example, if the strike, cars with automatic transmission can not be encouraged. If is often used in mountainous areas, brake quickly drains.

    All the assumptions of the past. Now, more and more automatic transmission, the manufacturer provides the mechanics that have the ability to fix it faster if there is a problem. In fact, now there is also a general workshops that can be drained all the automatic transmission fluid (ATF) in the transmission and then filled with a lubricant that really new and clean.

    In the car now, especially the injection system, if the battery Soak, then the machine will not be able to live. Because the engine computer to get the energy from the battery. Therefore, the position of manual and automatic transmissions the same thing!

    Then, on the assumption that when the car brakes automatic intensive driving in an area that many derivatives, certainly, the condition occurred because the driver was too relaxed, allowing the transmission of the position "D" course. In fact, D is the highest gear.

    Keep working
    To reduce the workload of the brake, the driver must use engine brake effect by using a lower gear. In this case, could be "2" or if more steep and slippery, should be 'L'. Same with low teeth, 3 or 2 on the manual transmission. As to accelerate, the driver must do the kick-down or step on the gas pedal quickly!

    So, driving with automatic transmission that does not mean the hand does not work at all. At a certain field conditions, 3, 2, and L should be used. Hand still be active. Only the left foot really relaxed. No need to tread the clutch at all. For example when the streets are declining or accelerated during the ramp!

    In fact, the traffic conditions, by releasing the brake pedal and the transmission in position "D", the car can crawl without brakes.

    If you have automatic transmission taste, especially for those who drove themselves, often through a traffic jam, and have a high mobility rate, they certainly would not want to go back to manual if you do not have to. In fact, they are willing to spend additional costs, both for the transmission of more expensive fuel consumption plus a little more than the manual!

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    Lexus LS600hL, Ultimate Hybrid Car in the World

    True car lovers, must know, Lexus is a luxury car. However, from the top version, the LS600hL and just released, could be the question arises, what can be obtained by the owner?
    Prestige, or "image" is certain. So is the exclusive label and taste the rich plus being able to buy it. Exclusive, LS600hL is a special product of the exclusive group. This hybrid car is only sold 10,000 units worldwide of 100,000 units of the Lexus LS.
    All-Wheel Drive. Figure LS600hL is a large car! Same with the BMW 7 Series and Mercedes-Benz S-Class. The surplus, the source of two types of hybrid driving and transferred directly to the wheel or all-wheel drive (AWD). Make this car really solid used in various road surface conditions, wet, dry, ugly, and so on.
    Interior, very luxurious with high quality materials and fitted with very high precision. Not only that, also able to provide convenience in accordance with the Lexus philosophy, "The Pursuit of Perfection". Right rear seat, back support can be put down or set slope. Not enough, also can be used for massage or "Rear Seat Relaxation System".
    Through the remote control, pneumatic 8-space in the seat, left rear passengers can get a shiatsu and stretching the body. While right rear seat is equipped with a vibrator and hold the hips (pelvic support), besides providing for the comfort of course also produces massage.
    IPA. Latest Special Features - Lexus claimed the first in Indonesia - is "Intelligent Parking Assist (IPA). With this technology, if the owners want to enjoy the greatness of this car in person, drove it himself, when parking in a narrow area do not have to worry.

    Simply by bringing the car into the desired space, then activate the "Intelligent Parking Assist" with a choice of serial or parallel parking and use the reverse gear. After that, the task of supervising the driver only and operates the brake pedal. Steering wheel and gas operated solely by a car! Smart! Parking definitely faster and safer.
    Front LED lights. LH600hL Lexus-style look with an exclusive blend of luxury plus the latest automotive technology. This can be seen on the front lights are used, Light emitting diode (LED). More energy efficient light yet!
    Another interesting feature is the Adaptive Front-Lighting System that allows the driver to see the road with a broader light, especially when turning. While Adaptive Control Cruiser speed activated until 160 km / hour, making the driver could be more fun and relax a little bit.
    For maximum comfort and stability, "Air Suspension" which used this hybrid can be set at three mode settings: Normal, Comfort or Sport. While in town, select Comfort and when speeding on the highway, to gain stability, live press Sport. Steady!
    Lexus LS600hL also complete with electric power steering gear ratio that can vary. Making steady invited to maneuver on the kinds of speed!
    For security LS600hL equipped with 11 safety airbags. Another is an additional anti-lock brake system (ABS), Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD), Brake Assist System (BAS), Traction Control (TRC) and Vehicle Stability Control (VSC).
    Power Source. The combination power car is incredible when used simultaneously. Certainly when get acceleration. The problem, of course available gasoline engine maximum power of 394PS plus electric motor which also has great ability, PS 221. If incorporated into PS 615. With a total weight GVW 2760 kg (including the maximum load), weight and power ratio 4.5: 1. This means that PS 1 is used to encourage weight 4.5 kg (maximum).
    No less interesting, great effort is also friendly to the pocket and the environment. Lexus claims fuel consumption of 12.5 km / liter, similar to the Toyota Vios!

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    Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera

    Although marketed for a specific person, as the car looks SupersPort Lamborghini continues to attract many people. Similarly, when, the company that was once owned by Tommy Soeharto, displaying the latest models are now on display at the Geneva Motor Show to 80, the Superleggera Gallardo LP 570-4.
    Remarkably, this model is shown with a green plus black combination. Picture, the car more aggressive but more friendly to the environment!
    More Aero and Light
    According to Lambo - now owned by Volkswagen Group - This new model is more aerodynamic and lighter. Also more sophisticated machines that greater power. Certainly compared to the version before, Murciélago.

    All were acquired for not much longer or exterior body parts sticking out. As for weight, lighter thanks to the use of special carbon fiber. As a result, this Superleggera weighs only 1340 when empty, 70 pounds lighter than its predecessor. With the same conditions, Lambo fanfare, the ratio between the weight: 2.35 kg/1PS. Great!

    2.4 Seconds
    Supersport is claimed capable of doing 0-100 sprint in 2.4 seconds kpj. Want higher, 0-200 kpj, only 10.2 seconds. If you have the guts to test the maximum speed, 325 kpj.

    Compared to the previous version of Lambo, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), fell to 20.5 percent. All that, because of changes in weight machines and a more lightweight.

    V10 engine, 5204 cc 570 PS produce 9419 kW) @ 8000 rpm with a torque of 540 rpm Nm@6.500. This is obtained thanks to the technology "Iniezione diretta Stratificata" or direct injection. Gasoline is sprayed directly into the engine with 100 bar pressure and compression 12.5: 1.
    Not forgetting to explain that the machine installed lengthwise or longitudinal posteriopre (extra long LP) fuel consumption more efficient, 7.4 kpl.

    Fiber Carbonate
    Lambo Superleggera also claim to be top models from around SupersPort made.
    Because the exterior is more aerodynamic thanks to redesigned front bumper, the shape of the trapezoid body, the sharp nose and a V-shaped and LED lights for daytime.

    There are also improvements in the pit and as the home difuser four tip exhaust. Superleggera uses a small rear spoiler. However, options are also offered with a larger size.
    Superleggera body using carbon fiber developed specifically by "Automobili Lamborghini Advanced Composite Structures Laboratory (ACSL) at the University of Washington, Seattle, United States. This material is also used for aeronautical and astronotik up to Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.

    Car dimensions: length 4.39 m, 1.9 m wide and 1:17 m high, with glass side and rear of the polycarbonate. To show art techno Lambo, shown in closed machines using polikarobnat transparent.

    E-gear transmission
    Using the 6 speed manual transmission is called Lambo "automated e-gear". Yes ... teeth can be moved automatically or manually. For the manual, soft enough to pull a lever or paddle shifts mounted behind the wheel.
    It is said that the speed of tooth movement is faster than human reflexes. Provided two automatic modes. Model "Thrust" which allows direct bekerja@5.000 engine rpm without slipping on the wheels with motion system All-Wheel Drive (AWD).

    Titanium bolts
    All-black interior Superleggera, including Alcantara leather. No less interesting is the 19-inch aluminum wheels are very light - down 13 pounds - was tied with titanium bolts.

    For tires, used Pirelli P Zero Corsa Series is specially developed for the Gallardo, 235/35ZR19 front and 295/30ZR17 rear.
    Please check can be stopped with a steady and permanent stability, Superleggera is equipped with Electronically Stability Program (ESP). KALIPER front brakes with 8-piston and 4-piston rear with a diameter for 365 mm and 356 mm.
    Also offered special options, the ceramic disc brakes with carbon fiber in front of the piston 7 with a diameter of 380 mm. All of it, make a special Lambo for those who like to SupersPort and certainly have a lot of money!

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    Lotus Exige Scura

    Lotus introduced the Exige new type Scura. The car that had a speed demon in the name of this very lightly. Because the body is made of carbon fiber with a weight of about 20 pounds or 10 kg.

    Black color display dominates Scura. Three black strips along the car body adorned.
    Interestingly, this car just made as many as 35 units in the world. This car could've booked since end of 2009 for the European market, South Korea, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

    Additional technologies that were installed in this car is traction-control technology used to race jet mounted on the ground. While in the machine, Scura has a capacity of 1.8 L. engine From 0-100 km / hour in 4.1 seconds, this car can reach top speed 245 km / hour

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    BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics

    A BMW car, with the label concept of course, have a hybrid with a turbodiesel engine, 4 door Lamborghini and exterior style of the radical.
    This car was filled with technology that could make open-mouthed disbelief. Car interior panels and seats has made the driver or passenger to the atmosphere felt like walking on air. Not quite up there. For security reasons, this chair is made of Kevlar, the material used bulletproof clothing. BMW's latest technology, 3D vision and night vision, mounted on this car.
    Chassis from Efficient Dyamics Vision is made of aluminum. While the roof and outer body mostly made of special polycarbon materials.
    This sophisticated car power comes from 3 sources. That is, two electric motors and a turbodiesel engine. One electric motor can reach the number 139 hp in 10 seconds. If combined, the two motors are (certainly) can make the car's speed is getting faster, or not recharging the lithium-polymer battery is installed in the car.
    There are about 98 cell lithium polymer embedded in the bottom of the car. Not only can charge through electric motors only.
    This car also offers a plug-in electric cars like. With the power of about 16 amps of 220 volts, this car is charged for 2.5 hours. By using the condition of electricity, the car was able to walk more than 50 kilometers.
    With all his greatness, Vision, including an efficient cars. Because the distance can be devoured by 100 miles with only 3.76 liters of gasoline. Even so the amount of CO2 released is very small. Only 99 g / km.

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    Leisure Secures Automatic Transmission

    The automatic transmission was so comfortable in the middle of city traffic is more dense, many drivers leave the transmission in position "D". To stop for red lights, drivers rely on the brakes.
    The use of such automatic transmission, will accelerate damaged. The reason is, when the position of teeth in the "D", transmission components, such as the clutch is still working.

    That's why, when using automatic transmission, hands still have to work. Only the feet that really rest.
    When the stop for red lights, as well as the transmission to shift position "N" which is above the "D". In this case, the engine load decreases and the wet clutch in the transmission not rub each other (stretching). Furthermore, endurance or the age of the clutch wear longer. Likewise with the ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) it.

    Clutch must be prevented quickly drains. Because the cost of "operating" the transmission is quite expensive when needed replacement. So is the cost of ATF and labor. In addition, when the clutch is still good, you can step on the gas with the solid. If not, the car would be sluggish when digeber and fuel consumption certainly come wasteful. The reason, stepped on the gas pedal more in the car but could not run away!

    Shifts the transmission into position "N" when stopped to help mitigate the canvass brake or wear out quickly. Because,
    if still in the "D", meaning there is power from the engine, but the movement was arrested by the brake the car.
    To prevent the brake quickly drains, when sliding in the derivative, we recommend using a use position "D" for the old transmission was equipped with overdrive button. However, if no longer use the overdrive button, slide or press the D3. Can also use the "2".

    Thus, maintenance of the automatic transmission not only with the replacement of ATF on a regular basis, is also determined how to operate it. In fact if I use incorrect, actually accelerate damage! Convenience turned into resentment!

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    06 March, 2010

    Lexus LF-Ch competitors BMW 1 Series and Audi A3

    Lexus continued to spread his wings and strengthen its competitiveness in the luxury car segment. If previous Lexus luxury class to play in medium and large, they are now surging into C or compact segment.

    Products that will rely on the Lexus luxury compact class is the LF-Ch, which is currently still in concept stage. This car was shown to the public and held his debut at the IAA-63 or Frankfurt Motor Show 2009, in Germany, which ended yesterday.

    LF-Ch is the first Lexus product in the compact segment. This car appears in the format 5-door hatchback with a stylish appearance. Dynamic design and style are consistent with the main target, the European youth.

    More precisely, the Lexus LF-Ch will become the new competition from the BMW 1 Series and Audi A3. Hence, to lure young zest Europe, LF-Ch was first shown to the world public in Germany or Europe.

    Lexus LF-Ch is a nomenclature of the car is still in its early stages of this draft. LF, for the Lexus Finesse, and Ch combined C-Segment, or compact and hybrid.

    Strategy Lexus hybrid drive combining resources with the sporty-look made to attract young Europeans who are affected by trends fuel efficient and emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide) is low.

    In addition, the government must more intensively to provide incentives to the cars fuel efficient and environmentally friendly.

    According to observers, the concept car shown at this exhibition will not differ greatly from the production version. It is based on the design bodinya. No less interesting, the price offered by some 30,000 U.S. dollars.

    One characteristic of this Lexus is, blacked B pillar and rear door handles are united on the door pillar trim C. As a result, be like without a rear door handles!

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    E-Class Cabriolet

    Following the presence of E-Class and coupe, Cabriolet variants soon complete range of Mercedes-Benz is. This means no more CLK Cabriolet.
    As the successor to the success of the open roof of the W124 made between 1992-1997, the latest E-Class figure presents a more shining stars and elegant. The shape resembles E-Class Coupe (C207) new, but of course with a canvas roof that can open.
    E-Class Cabriolet appear attractive as classic softtop roof opened in 20 seconds. And can be done with a maximum speed of 40 km / hour. Unfortunately the capacity of the trunk a little disturbed when the roof is lowered.

    Softtop the E-Class Cabriolet became the most quiet in its class. With 23.5 mm thickness, a roof made of fabric, of course, water and wind resistant. You do not need to worry about sudden weather changes.

    E-Class Cabriolet also features a AIRCAP innovation so as not to divert air into the cabin when the car drove in an open roof. This device is mounted on the top of the windshield and can be activated at a speed of 160 km / hour to guarantee the driving experience without the interference of air turbulence in the cabin. While Airs-CARF, the warm air stream right in the driver's neck and front passenger.

    The combination of these innovations make the owner can drive a Coupe E-Clas even in cold conditions with the roof open though. To maintain the power structure of this car, a pillar of the new reinforcements have helped. Rollbar pair hidden behind the rear passenger headrest, and can arise in an emergency. Seven airbags are also ready to protect passengers and the driver while crash, making it an open-topped car safest available today.

    Range of machines available for this variant consists of 4-cylinder-powered 204 dk, 292 dk V6 and V8 that produces a force up to 388 dk. All the best weapon has been immersed in the E-Class Cabriolet. Mercedes-benz have succeeded in concocting a convertible car that is not only fast, convenient but also safe to use anytime

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    Lexus GX 460

    If Toyota Land Cruiser has a distant relative named Lexus LX, then the brother of the Land Cruiser Prado also has a distant relative whose name is Lexus GX.
    Carry the GX 460's full name, his face still has some similarities to the Prado. Look at the stern lines and grooves on the front and rear fenders similar Prado. However, the difference in the front and rear lights insists that he is a true Lexus, not just a rebadged Toyota as ever.

    Another case when we went into the cabin. The atmosphere is almost totally different. Not only that, the relief was also claimed superior cabin far above the model it replaces. And third row seats can be folded electrically.

    For engine, the GX 460 armed 4600 cc V8 unit with maximum power of 301 dk. Despite reduced capacity, this engine makes the GX the latest in efficiency and superior performance compared to the GX 470. This machine is similar to units used in the Land Cruiser 4.6. And different from that adopted Prado units and 2700 cc 4000 cc.

    The feature itself is not less than the LX. Equipped Kinetik Dynamic Suspension System (KDDS) and its steering and yaw sensors. Not forgetting Crawl Control and Downhill Assist Control as a confirmation of DNA inherited the Land Cruiser.

    As with any Lexus, the GX also features the Lexus Premium audio system, 9 speakers, heated front seats, HomeLink transmitter to the car that connects with the house.

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    Used Car Buying Tips

    For some people, owning a new car is a luxury. However, there is no harm in buying a used car. Of course buying a used car requires more consideration and attention.
    Before deciding to buy a used car, you should first specify the type of car and its use. For example, the family car or cars for transportation work. Determine also features required, such as Air Conditioner, alarm, air bags or air bags and others. Find information about a car that will be purchased, ranging from the availability of components to repair services.
    When buying, ask the history of the car. For example, if ever an accident, if anyone ever had before, whether alone or chauffeur driven, and others. Check the odometer indicated the numbers, then compare with the distance the car owner's house to the workplace and in production. If the distance of miles high because of the distance the car home and work far away, this could be an option. From here to know how to use the car.

    Explore information about why the car sold. If the answer given car owner-winded and rambling, should you need to be careful. For that, make sure the letter complete vehicle documents, valid and genuine.
    When a test drive, be aware of whether the replacement teeth can be smooth, the steering is always straight, across the corner smoothly, and when the brakes remain stable. Besides a test drive, to note the condition of the engine, body of the car, damage and corrosion, suspension, and tires.
    Consider whether there is a leaky pipe, the spilled oil, and the color of exhaust smoke. If the blue exhaust smoke or black, it means that something is wrong. Make sure all the indicators work properly.
    It is better to buy a car in accordance with the financial capability. We recommend that you obtain comprehensive information about the price of the car to be purchased, either new or used. This will assist in the bid price. We will decide to buy, the asking price car dealers. For payment, if you want to pay by credit, prepare a deposit at least about 10% of the price of the car.

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